Vegan and real cheese reviews!

Vevan Ched-Shred Vegan Cheese
Vevan’s Ched-Shred is what it says to be: vegan cheddar shreds. It performs as advertised! The Ched-Shreds have a sort of chalky texture and when making cheesy eggs, it sort of gets this hard/fried texture rather than super melty. This is fine and tasty. It feels like it has the best cheddar cheese taste and…

Keju Organic Vegan Mozzarella
We picked up this block of vegan Mozzarella (made using cashews, coconut, and soy) at our local farmer’s market. It tasted good plain—it has a nice soft texture with a tang. However, our purpose in getting it was for cheese for pizza. It melted…alright. It didn’t feel super effective on pizza in the way we…

Nuts for Cheese Smoky Gouda Fermented Cashew Vegan Cheese
Given how powerful and awesome the Nuts for Cheese Chipotle Cheddar was, I couldn’t resist trying their Smoky Gouda fermented cashew vegan cheese option. And there was also the fact that I love(d) Smoked Gouda. Either way, I was very excited to try this cheese. It didn’t quite live up to the hype I was…

Violife Vegan Cheddar Shreds
I tried Violife’s Mozzarella Shreds awhile ago and really grew to like them with eggs. So, after seeing it in the store, we picked up Violife Vegan Cheddar shreds—to try another vegan cheese option and to see how it compared with their Mozzarella version. The calories are the same between the two Violife vegan cheese…

Cheeze & Thank You Vegan Herbed Feta
This is the second Cheeze & Thank You vegan cheese I’ve tried, the first being their mustard seed smoked gouda, which I really enjoyed. This is nothing like that, conceptually, so I was skeptical but had high hopes for it. I think my sentiments/expectation were on point/met. Herbed feta, in general, is not something I…

Nuts for Cheese Chipotle Cheddar Fermented Cashew Vegan Cheese
This is the first product I’ve tried of Nuts for Cheese. It is their Chipotle Cheddar fermented cashew vegan cheese option. It comes in a wedge and is a dark orange hue. It says it slices, shreds, melts, and spreads. We only really tried slicing it and spreading it. As for the flavor…well, this is…

Violife Vegan Feta
Another Violife product! This time vegan feta. It’s not very feta-like at all, but it still tastes good. It comes as a solid block and it can kind of be chunked/shredded easily. It’s sort of firm but supple. Doesn’t have a strong flavor, but the unctuous texture/experience makes it really work. Definitely wouldn’t be a…

Violife Vegan Mozzarella Shreds
This vegan mozzarella from Violife come as a bag of shreds rather than a full chunk of fake mozzarella like the Miyoko’s Mozzarella from way back. It is made from coconut oil, starches, and some other stuff. Coming as shreds, it is much easier to top pizzas with due to that convenience factor. It didn’t…

Miyoko’s Creamery Double Cream Classic Chive Cashew Milk Cheese
This creamy chive vegan cheese is not the first Miyoko’s cashew milk cheese product I’ve reviewed: I had Miyoko’s Cashew Milk Mozzarella before and thought it was pretty good. This is a very different type of product, though, but also good. It is more of an acquired taste, however, due to its strong chive flavor.…

Cheeze & Thank You: Mustard Seed Smoked Vegan Gouda
Cheeze & Thank You is a Chicago based artisanal vegan cheese shop. We picked up a wedge of their vegan Mustard Seed Smoked Gouda as an experiment from a local Whole Foods. When I ate real cheese, gouda was a big favorite of mine…so I was intrigued. It did not disappoint at all! Cheeze &…

Miyoko’s Creamery Cashew Milk Mozzarella
Miyoko’s vegan mozzarella, made with organic cashew milk, comes in a circular puck. It seems like real mozzarella, but the visuals are easy to nail. But the texture and taste? Texturally definitely it seems like mozzarella. Taste…honestly, I don’t remember the exact flavor of mozzarella beside it being sort of milky and sometimes tangy and…

Miyoko’s Creamery Vegan Pepper Jack Cheese Shreds
Miyoko’s Creamery Pepper Jack Vegan Cheese Shreds are a really good imitation of the real thing from first gaze. They really do look like pepper jack shredded cheese: milky white with sprinkled red accents…that’s pepper jack. But do they taste like pepper jack? They get the point across well enough. The shreds are flakier than…

Field Roast Creamy Original Chao Tofu Slices
These ‘Creamy Original’ Chao Tofu slices are a vegan cheese product from the Field Roast company. Field Roast produces vegan meat and cheese products. I’ve had their tomato ‘deli meat’ slices before, which I unfortunately didn’t formally review: I recall liking them, but they were a bit salty for my taste. Anyway, these Chao Tofu…

Kite Hill Almond Milk Chive Cream Cheese
I recently reviewed Kite Hill’s Plain Cream ‘Cheese’. I liked it, but I wasn’t intending to get anymore anytime soon as I generally preferred Tofutti. A few things happened after that review that changed that… We discovered that Kite Hill’s cream cheese has horrible shelf life compared to Tofutti. It went moldy quite quickly. That…

Kite Hill Almond Milk Plain Cream Cheese
Kite Hill Cream Cheese is another brand of vegan alternative cream cheese, like my previously reviewed Tofutti cream cheese. The base for Kite Hill’s vegan cream ‘cheese’ is almond milk rather than tofu as with Tofutti. Almond milk is light—in calories and body. This almond milk based cream cheese is no exception to that. This…

Tofutti Imitation Cream Cheese
Tofutti Imitation Cream Cheese is a tofu based replacement to cream cheese. Vegan! It’s low in calorie, but acts very much like real cream cheese and tastes about the same (if not better). I use it as my preferred cream cheese replacement and I love it. The Tofutti Cream Cheese spreads very well on a…

Daiya Vegan Cheddar Slices
Daiya is a maker of vegan cheeses and other vegan items, such as cream ‘cheeze’, which, if I recall correctly, was how I was introduced to the Daiya brand in the first place. Their cream cheese is a review for another day, but suffice it to say—I liked it and was interested to try more…

L’Amuse Brabander
The L’Amuse Brabander is a goat cheese from Holland. It is made by the same people who did the L’Amuse Signature Gouda which I reviewed over a year ago. The name sounded familiar to me when I picked it up—I almost thought I had reviewed it. I did not—if I had, I would certainly not…

Kerrygold Skellig Sweet Cheddar
The Kerrygold Skellig Sweet Cheddar declares itself to be three things. One and Two: It is 100% natural cheese that is imported from Ireland. I’m not going to argue with either of those things. The third contentious point is that it is a Sweet Cheddar. Sweet, as in…sweet. I disagree. The first bite I had…

Seaside Rugged Mature English Cheddar
The Seaside Cheddar Cheese is not just any cheese, it’s a rugged, mature Cheddar Cheese made in England. When I deconstruct the adjectives at use, I really have no idea what it all means in context of the cheese. What I do know is what I taste. What I taste is not a sharp cheddar like…

Prima Pils Mustard and Onion Cheddar Spread
Cheddar cheese is a staple that has such a powerful, sharp flavor that easily has a case for being mixed with some other ingredients, turned into a creamy mixture, and then eaten on bread, crackers, or with a spoon if you’re into that. This concoction can can range from very cheesy in the other meaning (tacky)…

Uniekaas Parrano Gouda
The Uniekaas Parrano Gouda may be a gouda, but it has some similarities with Swiss cheese. The first being it’s lighter gold color. It could really pass of for a Swiss cheese. Especially when, after slicing, little holes appear. Not The familiarity to Swiss doesn’t end there. On tasting, the Uniekaas Parrano Gouda doesn’t taste…

Taleggio Gusto Antico
The Taleggio Gusto Antico is an Italian cheese that has a creamy inside and frankly homely rind. It looks fuzzy and moldy–because it probably is. Dark fuzzy ridges run across the pale yellow crust of it. While slicing it, I was skeptical. Mold on cheese is perfectly acceptable. The blue in blue cheese is mold.…

Moses Sleeper
The Moses Sleeper, a curious name, is a typical brie. Typical in the sense that it has a rather…foul smell. That’s expected of a brie cheese. If it didn’t smell bad or mildly repulsive, that would be interesting. But it smells contrary to its taste, so it fits right into the norm of these soft ripened…

Coinga Queso Mahon-Menorca
The Coinga Queso Mahon-Menorca, a long mouthful of a name, is a cured Spanish cheese. The rind is thick, red, and waxy. At first I peeled it off the edges of the slices I made before eating, but then I eventually took to just slicing off the rind of areas of the block I knew…

Big Ed’s Gouda Cheese Spread
The first time I tried the Big Ed’s Gouda Cheese Spread was on a cheese tasting platter at a restaurant–don’t worry! This is not a restaurant review, just a cheese review. I’m merely introducing how it was initially presented to me. Which was like this: Big Ed’s Gouda Cheese Spread came clumped together as a…

Quicke’s Traditional Mature Cheddar
Quicke’s Traditional Mature Cheddar is a white cheddar cheese made in England. As you can see, it has a solid body with a few cracks. Its firmness allows it to slice well without completely crumbling apart. Thinner pieces will crumble, however, but that is typical with cheddar. What is atypical about the Quicke’s Traditional Mature…

Cabot Classic Vermont Cheddar Cheese
The Cabot Classic Vermont Cheddar Cheese is a white cheddar cheese that, as the name suggests, comes from Vermont. The packaging also says that it is “seriously sharp”, and it does not lie. This Cabot Classic Vermont Cheddar Cheese starts off smooth, but then that sharp trademark Cheddar bite comes through and takes over. The…

Cave Aged Chandoka
The Cave Aged Chandoka is another cheese from the Standard Market Cave Aged program, like the Cave Aged Tomme de Nena and the Cave Aged Pauline. The Chandoka is a mix of cow and goat cheese, in a 70/30 ratio, and is aged for 6 months to a few years. What does that combination of…

Cave Aged Pauline
The Standard Market Cave Aged Pauline is a mixed herd cow’s milk cheese from Kentucky that has been aged inside, you guessed it, one of Standard Market’s in-house cave aging facilities. For more information on its details, you can check out Standard Market’s website on their current cheeses and this document specifically. The Caved Aged…

Prairie Fruits Farms Moonglo
The Prairie Fruits Farms Moonglo is a goat’s milk cheese with a gruyere-like smell and flavor. It has that more….foul-ish smell to it that brie and gruyere have to them. The Moonglo is smelly is what I am saying. Which is an interesting quality for a goat cheese to have. The Prairie Fruits Farms Moonglo is…

Chevre Frais
This Chevre Fraise, a goat cheese, is from Prairie Fruit and Farms Creamery. It comes in a round plastic container with a little cute goat mascot on it. I like this packaging as it is easier to store, but opening the container was kind of difficult the first time. There is no seal or anything.…

BellaVitano Citrus Ginger
This flavor of this BellaVitano cheese line is Citrus Cinger. An intriguing combination, to be sure. It is not a combo that I expected or would guess that could work well in a cheese. So I had to try the BellaVitano Citrus Ginger. I’m glad I did. The BellaVitano Citrus Ginger has a vaguely ‘meaty’…

Brilliat Savarin
The Brilliat Savarin is French cow’s milk cheese. As you can probably tell from the picture, the cheese is smooth and soft. Very delicate. It almost has the consistently of butter. Getting it outside of its packaging was like wrestling with loose, wet clay. That may sound unappealing or unappetizing, but it works. Being very…

Applewood Smoked Gouda
The Applewood Smoked Gouda is a simple Gouda that has been, well, smoked with the wood of an apple tree. There are many cheeses that have a smoked flavor coming naturally or from a process. With these cheeses exists a spectrum of smokiness. Either hints of smokey flavor or completely full of it. The Applewood…

Quesos Tradicionales
The Quesos Tradicionales is a Spanish cheese that tastes like a smoked gouda. The flavors are simple and present. It has a smokiness that permeates through its semi-firm body. Nothing overtly complex or dominating. It is tasty and quite good, but not very memorable. The tear-drop like shape certainly sticks to my mind, along with…

Semi Curado
The Semi Curado is a cow’s milk cheese that originates from Spain. The rind is an orangey-red hue and the cheese itself is a milky white. Asides from some minor holes and air pockets, the cheese is solid throughout. The flavor is very mild. Smooth and simple. Because of this delicate composition, it compliments well…

Delice de Bourgogne
I’m not a big fan of creamy cheeses, but I gave the Delice de Bourgogne a try. To expand my horizons and so on. I will admit, my expectations were very low going it, but those expectations were promptly blown away. The Delice de Bourgogne’s had a creamy sweetness that was very surprising. Surprising and…

Roth Buttermilk Blue
The first thing that I noticed about the Roth Buttermilk Blue was its intense tang. Then I tasted its creamy base as the chunks melted away on my tongue and in my mouth The tanginess of its blue veins were almost bitter, taking over any creamy simplicity of the white body. The balance in it…

Käserei Tufertschwil Challerhocker
The Käserei Tufertschwil Challerhocker was made in Switzerland using cow’s milk. The flavor for this golden cheese was simultaneously sweet and salty. The nuttiness was strong with it, but there also existed a earthy tone lurking in the background. I think ‘savory-sweet’ would be the best way to describe its flavor. Butterscotch, and that family…

Cave Aged Tomme de Nena
This Cave Aged Tomme de Nena was smooth and vaguely nutty. There was an earthy, sort of Gruyere-esque aspect to it in the back notes. The flavor profile was not strong by any means; it was casual and creamy. Not a powerful cheese by any means, but it was tasty for its simplicity and solidness.…

Neal’s Yard Dairy Montgomery Cheddar
The Neal’s Yard Dairy Montgomery Cheddar distinguishes itself from other cheddar cheeses by having a blue vein running across its body. This vein imparts a sharp, tangy flavor, like that of a blue cheese. Also like a blue cheese, the Montgomery Cheddar is smooth and creamy. It cuts like it was of a stiffer body…

L’Amuse Signature Gouda
The L’Amuse Signature Gouda was aged for approximately two years. Due to this aging process, clumps of salty crystals are sprinkled across the body of this gouda. These are by far my most favorite part of any aged gouda. They had a pop of salty flavor that pairs magnificently with fig spread and a variety…

Neal’s Yard Dairy Stilton
The Neal’s Yard Dairy Stilton is a creamy blue cheese. The typical tang of blue is subdued in favor of a smoother, richer flavor. The tang does exist, however, but merely as an after note. Although the consistency of the body is sticky and crumbly, it holds up to being cut better than some other…

Quadrello Di Buffala
The Quadrello Di Buffala is a buffalo’s milk cheese. The body of the cheese is smooth and rich. Thick and almost creamy. Solid throughout, but it has a ‘gel’ like consistency. Sort of sticky. Slightly hard to cut, but the slices that I was able to carve out were fine to eat and held together…

Abbaye de Belloc Pyrenees
The Abbaye de Belloc Pyrenees is a sheep’s cheese with faint earthy tones. It has a Swiss Cheese-like texture, neither hard nor considerably soft. Pliable and easy to bite into. The mushroom notes fade in slowly and come delicately. This flavor is not overpowering in any sense. Very mild in presentation. The Abbaye de Belloc Pyrenees is a difficult…

Cyprus Grove Humboldt Fog
The Cyprus Grove Humboldt Fog is a veined goat cheese. As you can see from the pictures, it is a typical crumbly goat cheese. Not typical is the cream that separates the cheese and the rind. This substance is a honey-like cream, for lack of a better term, that binds the fluffy body with the tender…

Frisian Farms Gouda
The Frisian Farms Gouda is a flaky, partially aged gouda. It is rife with partial amounts of crystals and has a dry body. There is not much special about it, aside from its exceptionally brittle texture. It is tasty and goes quite well with ripe peaches. Anything sweet, really.…

Maytag Blue Cheese
The Maytag Blue Cheese looks like any other blue cheese. White body, dark blue veins. It crumbles uneasily, being so sticky and thick. In this luscious Maytag Blue Cheese, the creaminess of the cheesy white body is the center-piece, rather than the sharpness of the trademark mold veins. The tangy cream is the main flavor…

Petit Nuage
The Landmark Creamery Petit Nuage was the 2015 Gold Medal Winner of the USA Cheese Competition. And for good reason. This cheese comes in adorable little cylinders of cheese that are textured. The consistency is like a grittier goat cheese, which makes perfect sense as it is a sheep’s milk cheese. It has a tart beginning, like an…

Ghost Pepper Cheese
Preface: I love spice. I have tried many different spicy peppers, such as the scorpion pepper, the habanero, and the Ghost Pepper that is featured in the titular Ghost Pepper Cheese. So basically, my spice tolerance is very high and I enjoy having my mouth burned out, so this review is very biased in that…

Lye Cross Vintage Cheddar
This Lye Cross Vintage Cheddar was aged 14 months. It is a white cheddar with a grittier texture than most. Being a white cheddar, however, it still is a smooth flavor. What separates it is its ‘edgy’ grassy finish. Slightly biting earth tones come in at the end of the light cheddary flavors. The cheese itself…

Hook’s One Year Aged Sharp Cheddar Cheese
The Hook’s One Year Aged Sharp Cheddar Cheese has a smooth flavor, contrary to it being named ‘sharp.’ The sharpness is more of an afterthought, with acidic notes coming only at the end of the flavor. Hints of nuttiness crop up with the sharp-tang. The texture is milky and creamy, as a slice the cheese bends…

Blueberry Cheddar Cheese
This blueberry cheddar cheese is bruised with blue pockets of the titular fruit. Packed and scattered with blueberries. I was expecting a flavor that matched the visual proportion of blueberry/cheese, but it did match my expectations. The blueberry flavor was very faint and was overwhelmed by the white-cheddar. In a few chunks of cheese where there was…

Monte Enebro Cheese
The Monte Enebro is a Spanish goat’s milk cheese with a dark blue-black rind. The consistency of the Monte Enebro is smooth and slightly gummy: comparable to that of a firm brie. A whiff of it also brings to mind brie-like cheese: it has a mildly pungent aroma. The flavor matches the smell with notes of fungus…

Hook’s 20 Year Aged Cheddar
The Hook’s 20 Year Aged Cheddar went on the market for around $200/lb. It has been snatched up by chefs and foodies everywhere. What does 20 years give to a cheese in flavor? In this case it gives a cheese the most intense cheddar flavor I have ever experienced. The flavor of the Hook’s 20…

Driftless Sheep Cheese: Lavender and Honey
Driftless Sheep Cheese comes in a plastic container and a variety of flavors. The flavors offered are tomato and basil, olive oil, lavender and honey, and plain. I selected the lavender and honey variety. The texture is fluffy, lighter than cream. Its consistency reminded me of crepe filling. It would pair excellently with a crepe…