The Cosmic Apple has been in the news lately. Officially they are called the ‘Cosmic Crisp’. They are grown in Washington state…and like other new, ‘shiny’ apples they have a marketing website, logo, and trademark. The whole package. As with any apple with such marketing and pomp, I have to ask:
Was it worth it?
Well, with apples, my thought is probably no…who looks at marketing websites for apples (besides me to link to/cite here)? Why would you as a person just looking to eat a good apple? You’re going to buy them and eat them and probably forget their name unless they’re like super saturated into the market like Honeycrisp.
Anyway—end rant.
Onto the apple itself.

The Cosmic Crisp is MASSIVE! It’s a really, really large apple (pictures don’t do it justice) with a dark red hue. It’s an intense thing to hold and eat due to its sheer size. Sometimes large apples can be not dense…it makes sense, in a way. The Cosmic demolishes that trend. It is is super, super crispy. And not too juicy. The flavor is a nice sweet-tart type deal…but really I’m here for that sweet crisp texture.
Which it delivers on to such a degree where I simply have to recommend it! Just be aware that they are super big, which can be a deal breaker for some people. But if it isn’t for you, then try these apples out!