Daiya is a maker of vegan cheeses and other vegan items, such as cream ‘cheeze’, which, if I recall correctly, was how I was introduced to the Daiya brand in the first place. Their cream cheese is a review for another day, but suffice it to say—I liked it and was interested to try more of their vegan products. Which led me to their Vegan Cheddar slices.
…But first, quick backstory on why I even wanted vegan dairy stuff to begin with: clearly from my old posting history, I used to eat real cheese. I stopped for gastro reasons and now tend to avoid any ‘real’ dairy. I eat eggs so I’m not a legit vegan (yet). I don’t crave cheese or anything, but I am interested in trying vegan alternatives to dairy products.
Which brings us back to the Daiya Vegan Cheddar slices. It comes in a nice resealable box. The calorie count is only 60 per slice which is a total bargain for anything remotely cheese-like. Real cheese slices are far more than that…but how is the flavor of this vegan alternative? Does it cut calories by cutting deliciousness?
Nutrition label Side shot of the cheese.
No, not really. The texture is on point and the flavor is solid. The Daiya Cheddar slices aren’t super cheddary, and I wouldn’t expect it to be (since it’s mimicking cheddar slices), so that’s fine. The texture is what I really like…it’s very meltable. Really great on eggs—it feels so decadent due to its creaminess. I also tend to just eat a slice with other condiments such as ketchup and mustard (together), but that’s just me.

The texture is definitely the real standout of the Daiya Vegan Cheddar Slices—and its versatility via its quality melt. Due to that, it’s a staple in our fridge now. Low in calorie, tasty, and an easy way to add cheesiness to food without actual dairy or the caloric hit….definitely recommend it for cheese and fake cheese lovers alike! Maybe they’ll convert you….