Gindo’s Artichoke Pesto Hot Sauce feels quite different to their other hot sauces. For one, it’s mild and really not that spicy. It says “mild heat”…and that is true. The other aspect that sets it apart is, well, its flavor profile and composition. It is supposed to be like pesto (I assume) and it is the only sauce of theirs (I believe) that I’ve had to contain dairy. I was…really skeptical about this sauce, but I tried it anyway.
Mild Heat Contains Milk, Jalapeños, Garlic, and such
And…ehehe, I didn’t like it at all. This is definitely my least favorite Gindo’s sauce as I don’t feel like I’d be able to use it or want to use it. Gindo’s Artichoke Pesto sauce is actually quite sharp (maybe herbal sharpness?) and vinegary. Not overtly spicy…just sort of…punchy. It kind of worked with potato salad, but other than that I wasn’t fond of it. It’s not a flavor that is appealing to me. I tried it and just…didn’t want anymore.
However, one of my family members loved it and thinks it is Gindo’s best hot sauce so far. So…I guess it depends on what you’re looking for? I didn’t like this type of flavor, but you might. Take that how you will. It is also possible this needs to be mixed with something creamy, but I wasn’t interested enough to try that out.