The second of the Gindo’s 6th Annual Ghost of Christmas set! ‘Past’ was reviewed here. Present is a red hued hot sauce made of ghost, scorpion, and reaper peppers plus black truffle!
Again, warning: THIS IS A HOT SAUCE! VERY HOT!

It’s definitely hot sauce. It includes black truffle, and that flavor does come through a little initially. But it’s still super hot. It’s extremely hot.
And I actually had problems tolerating this one (and ‘Future’ to a lesser degree). Zero issues with ‘Past’, but these two, I had issues with my tongue feeling like it was burning and my lips feeling puffy. It was not fun. Like it hurt when I tried eating anything temperature-wise warm/hot and it just kept burning after I had some.
I’m not sure if this is like a ‘typical’ response to such hotness—I can’t think of anytime where I’ve had this experience before and I’ve had some hot stuff.
To be clear, I had this same sort of experience with ‘Future’. They do have some overlap in ingredients that are not present in ‘Past’ so I wonder if it’s a specific pepper that I don’t agree with/mildly intolerant of or that is causing this particular reaction. I don’t know. But it is what it is!

So…given that not-fun experience, I definitely prefer the ‘Past’ hot sauce to this hot sauce due to the burning mouth experience and liking the fruity flavor more than the little nuance of black truffle. Though, put an asterisk by this review and the forthcoming ‘Future’ one as I don’t know the exact cause for my response to the spiciness.