The Juici apple is another attempt by the Human race to engineer the perfect dessert apple. Or something like that. It’s like after the Honeycrisp came into existence everyone’s been trying to improve on it and making basically slight variations of the same concept. An apple that is: crispy, juicy, and sweet. That second quality is what the Juici apple is named for. Does it fulfill that juicy promise?

Yeah, I guess. The Juici apple, despite that name, isn’t the juiciest apple I’ve had, but it’s good. Sweet, crisp…kind a juicy. As I said, and it’s marketing said, it’s basically a Honeycrisp knock-off/improvement/successor/similar thing. It’s a bit less overbearing than the Honeycrisp, which is nice. Thin skin, crispy, sweet, has a bit of tang…I like it.

But there are so many apples like it now. All trying to hit the same niche. I’m getting to the point where the distinctions between them are getting blurrier and blurrier. Side-by-side, tasting back and forth, I could probably tell the differences, but when I’m trying to pick apples based on ‘type’ like I want a sweet apple with firm flesh or tart or whatever, all these apples just sort of fall into the same rank. Like I shrug a bit in the store…’all these can work and I’ll love them’. There’s no clear ‘that sucks or this is amazing’ between them and the Juici apple is great but not…blindingly awesome or below the pack so to speak.
So I don’t think you could go wrong with the Juici apple. But I say that with the Koru, SweeTango, and so on. It’s delicious. But there are so many delicious apples out there! Pick one and you’ll be pleased. If you get the Juici apple, you’ll definitely be happy.
Update 02/2020: The first paragraph’s Juici link to its website is dead/a fraudulent domain now apparently (!!), so I updated with the Starr Ranch website (which it seems like is the same place, based on their location?). I also fixed the first sentence which claimed that Koru/Juici were from the same maker…since it seems like they are two different entities. However the latter grows the former. And Starr Ranch just seems to be an exclusive grower of the Juici apple, according to their website. So it’s complicated, sorry! Dead websites don’t help either.