I recently reviewed Kite Hill’s Plain Cream ‘Cheese’. I liked it, but I wasn’t intending to get anymore anytime soon as I generally preferred Tofutti. A few things happened after that review that changed that…
We discovered that Kite Hill’s cream cheese has horrible shelf life compared to Tofutti. It went moldy quite quickly. That was the fate of our first tub. We had bought another tub so we cracked into that one and…well, it had a weird spot on it that was suspicious. Called Kite Hill customer service, showed them it, and, in the end, we received some coupons for more of their products. Great customer service! The store was out of plain cream cheese, but…they had Kite Hill’s chive variety.
So…that is why I’m reviewing Kite Hill’s Chive Cream Cheese now!
It looks pretty similar to the plain version. The packaging is the same as far as I can tell except it’s green. Since chives.

The texture is pretty much the same too. The chives give the cream cheese an additional textural complexity by nature of being there. You get the smoothness and then you get the little bite/chew from the chives in there. And there are so many chives in thereāit’s really dense with it. Doesn’t look like it from the outside, but it is.
Seems pretty smooth… Filled with chives
And that’s a good thing. Beyond the textural complexity add, the taste is transformed from being sweet to more savory. The chive flavor is somehow smoother than the plain one and tastier.

Yes, tastier! I do actually prefer the chive variant of Kite Hill’s Cream Cheese to the plain version. This was surprising for me because I’m pretty vanilla in my cream cheese preference and I’m not a great fan of chives, but I do like them. Despite both those things, I’m a fan of this chive cream cheese. This stuff is good. Definitely recommend it for anyone seeking vegan cream cheese and especially if they want something different to spread on their bagels.