Due to strange appetite circumstances, I picked up Miyoko’s Creamery Vegan Butter. This is my first vegan butter review but not the first product from Miyoko’s I’ve reviewed. I wasn’t ever that much of a butter person, but I really wanted some in my strange appetite state. The idea of it on potatoes and bread sounded very appetizing to me and so that’s what I used it with.

It did not disappoint in either case. I toasted some pumpernickel bread and then spread some of the stiff, white butter onto it. It did not stay firm for long—as it sat on the warm bread it began to melt and glisten. Eventually it dissipated even further and soaked pretty much fully into the bread. It tasted salty and luscious, a wonderful combo with the bread. It was quite addictive. I had it on potatoes as I originally wanted too and it was also great. Miyoko’s vegan butter tastes like, well, a really good butter. It more than fulfilled my strange appetite desires.
The butter in wrapping Block of butter Butter on bread – initial moments
So, unsurprisingly, I absolutely recommend Miyoko’s Cultured Vegan Butter for those wanting vegan butter or even just great butter. It’s decadent, delicious and is more than passable for the real thing.