Given how powerful and awesome the Nuts for Cheese Chipotle Cheddar was, I couldn’t resist trying their Smoky Gouda fermented cashew vegan cheese option. And there was also the fact that I love(d) Smoked Gouda. Either way, I was very excited to try this cheese.

Slices, shreds, melts, spreads, other copy

It didn’t quite live up to the hype I was giving it. It didn’t have the smoky gouda flavor I was wanting from it, but it was tasty. Has a bit of a salty hit and the texture does remind me of a super soft gouda. It is more robust than the Chipotle cheddar. Easier to handle for sure and not overwhelming taste-wise.

So I do recommend Nuts for Cheese’s Smoky Gouda vegan cheese even though it wasn’t as smoked gouda-ish as I wanted as it still is a tasty vegan cheese!