Cauliflower. Pickled. Pickled Cauliflower. Paesana Pickled Herb Cauliflower. Pickled Cauliflower. I repeat. Pickled Caulfilower. Why is this so…enticing? So important? If you don’t get it then…well, try this jar of pickled cauliflower and you will understand why.

It’s crunchy. The pickled cauliflower has a slight vinegar and salt punch, which is what one should expect from something of a pickled nature. That’s the expectation. But then it is partially subverted by the vague herbal notes. They round out the entire experience so the flavor is multi-dimensional. It cuts down the vinegar/salt elements and makes it more savory. They work together to create a flavor that can pair with pretty much anything reasonable. Like I can take a few pieces with whatever and it works. It’s not that bold, it’s just that type of simple tasty.

Definitely recommend it for those that enjoy pickled things or cauliflower. It’s not super flashy, nothing revolutionary, just plain good.