Zomba Pearls Tea Review

The Zomba Pearls are an African-grown white tea. Like Jasmine Pearls, they come rolled up. Zomba Pearls don’t so much as come in balls as little tubes. After hitting the water, they begin to unfurl a bit from their initial state. Each infusion pulls it apart a bit more. It’s expected as part of the…

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DAVIDsTEA Packing Review

I don’t know what this is. Wait. I do. This is a shout-out post/review to DAVIDsTEA for having such great packing. This isn’t a sponsored post or anything stupid like that, I literally wanted to share the quality of packing I experienced with my tea/tea press purchase. If you’re buying food or tea or something…

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ACME Apple Peeling Machine

Okay, this is not a food product. Repeat. This is not a food product. Get over it! This is…a tool. The first of its kind here on Selective Elective. This is a kitchen utensil review—a review of this ACME Apple Peeling Machine. A blast from the past too because this thing is definitely older than I…

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Froehlich’s Martini Pickles

I don’t drink martinis. But these…these I eat. Sorry, I’m skipping ahead here. The jar without a proper label, and its contents, are Froehlich’s Martini Pickles. Looking at them, you can see the obvious. These are not pickles. As in, transformed cucumbers or okra or carrots or whatever people pickle now. Nope. These are…tomatoes. The…

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Williams-Sonoma Whole-Grain Mustard

Williams-Sonoma is a store that houses a variety of kitchen ware and ‘gourmet’ foods. A shop for those that need tweaky kitchen utensils or are looking for interesting food materials such as: sauce-bases, pepper, salt, batter mixes, and so on. In the downtown area of where I live the Williams-Sonoma has been a long-time fixture.…

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Nikita/Nicoter (aka Kanzi)? Apple

This was going to be a full fledged review of a new apple called the Nikita apple…but it turns out it is just another name for the Kanzi apple. The first clue was that they rang up as the same item, like APPLE KANZI/NIKITA, at the checkout. And then I searched around and Orange Pippin…

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RubyFrost Apple

In this era, even apples have websites. The RubyFrost apple is another apple that has a marketing website dedicated to it. It really doesn’t mean much, all things considered. Everything has a marketing website nowadays—especially apples with cutesy names and pretty skin. It really doesn’t mean that much when it comes to the quality of…

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Woodstock Bread and Butter Pickles

My favorite types of pickles are either the sweet, bread and butter variety, or the spicier kinds. Whatever they are, they have to be crisp. A soft, squishy pickle is just not that appetizing to me. So where does the Woodstock Bread and Butter Pickles fall in regards to my preferences and in the world…

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East Shore Sweet and Tangy Mustard

The East Shore Sweet and Tangy Mustard came in a very tiny jar. I assume one can buy larger jars of this stuff, though, this is what I had of it and that’s what I am reviewing. Really should have put something out there for scale for the pictures. To try to give a proper sense…

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SnapDragon Apple

The SnapDragon apple is a richly red fruit. It’s really, really red. I mean, that’s clear, I hope, from the pictures of it. Texture, something not clear from pictures is this: the SnapDragon is firm and stable. I could determine that just by touch. I thought, upon picking it up, the SnapDragon is an apt…

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