Mast Brothers Stumptown Coffee Chocolate

Just like the name suggests, the Mast Brothers Stumptown Coffee Chocolate contains coffee. This is instantly noticeable as coffee is about the only thing tasted in this chocolate. Not much else to it. It has a vaguely chalky texture to it. It isn’t even that chocolaty. It is ostensibly a coffee bar. Nothing wrong with…

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Neal’s Yard Dairy Montgomery Cheddar

The Neal’s Yard Dairy Montgomery Cheddar distinguishes itself from other cheddar cheeses by having a blue vein running across its body. This vein imparts a sharp, tangy flavor, like that of a blue cheese. Also like a blue cheese, the Montgomery Cheddar is smooth and creamy. It cuts like it was of a stiffer body…

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The Chocolate Garage Playful Box

The Chocolate Garage is a San Francisco based company that sells chocolate. They do not make the chocolate they sell, rather they stock a variety of brands and sources. One of the things they sell is a chocolate tasting box that has a collection of around eight or nine different bars. They have two different…

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Soma Little Big Man

The Soma Little Big Man is peppered with little cocoa nibs. These crunchy bits of goodness add texture to the rich chocolaty base. It is both sweet and salty, but it has the typical dark chocolate bitterness that comes in towards the end. The combination and balance of these three types of flavors is excellent.…

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Charm School Coconut Milk Chocolate

The Charm School Coconut Milk Chocolate met all my expectations. It had a coconut-y flavor. Not only coconut, but a general nuttyness, coming from the pecan topping. Although the pecans gave the bar a crunchy bite, it was overall very smooth. The consistency of a coconut milk chocolate was similar to a normal milk chocolate…

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Patric Chocolate The BOSS

The Patric Chocolate ‘The BOSS’ bar is a on the luscious, rich side of the sweet spectrum. With clumps of salt, cacao nibs, and caramel flavor, it embodies a full candy-like chocolaty flavor. Unlike the other chocolate bars in the Playful box, the BOSS tastes the most like a normal chocolate bar. The notes of…

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Michael Mischer Chocolates Toffee and Murray River Salt

The Michael Mischer Chocolates Toffee and Murray River Salt is a chocolate bar with, surprise, toffee and salt. The salt is clumped on the top of it and the toffee spread throughout the body of the chocolate. The consistency is soft and pliable. Succulent. As for the flavor of this bar, it is quite salty.…

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Sirene Dark Milk Chocolate

So this Sirene Dark Milk Chocolate bar is actually a pack of two different bars.  One is sourced from Guatemala, the other Madagascar. The Madagascar one has a more fruity flavor profile, while the Guatemalan is smoother and ‘richer.’ I did not like the Guatemalan bar at all. It wasn’t the type of dislike that…

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Askinosie Licorice Chocolate

As one can see, the Askinosie Licorice Chocolate bar is topped with bits of anise and chunks of licorice. Hence the name. The licorice flavor does come through surprisngly well and also surprisingly was how well it worked with the chocolate. I was skeptical at first. I wondered how these two flavors could blend together…

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Patric Chocolate Browned Butter Bar

The Patric Chocolate Browned Butter Bar is another Patric Chocolate bar, the other being the BOSS. Like the BOSS, the chocolate is on the creamy side. Not too hard, rather soft and pliable. This makes sense as the bar is mixed with, guess what, browned butter, sugar, and salt. These flavors do not come out…

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