Why You Should Be a Food Snob

Since when did caring about the standards of your food and appreciating high quality food become mockingly synonymous with ‘elitist?’ I don’t know, and I really don’t care. All I know is that that needs to change. People should care about where their food comes from. They should demand higher standards for how the food…

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Maytag Blue Cheese

The Maytag Blue Cheese looks like any other blue cheese. White body, dark blue veins. It crumbles uneasily, being so sticky and thick. In this luscious Maytag Blue Cheese, the creaminess of the cheesy white body is the center-piece, rather than the sharpness of the trademark mold veins. The tangy cream is the main flavor…

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Golden Delicious Apple

The Golden Delicious apple is one of the typical sights at generic grocery stores. A constant apple feature. Does its mainstream appeal have any tangible basis? Not very much, in my opinion. The Golden Delicious apple is hesitantly sweet. A one-note, lull fest of sweetness that did not captivate me. The flesh was tender and…

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Petit Nuage

The Landmark Creamery Petit Nuage was the 2015 Gold Medal Winner of the USA Cheese Competition. And for good reason. This cheese comes in adorable little cylinders of cheese that are textured. The consistency is like a grittier goat cheese, which makes perfect sense as it is a sheep’s milk cheese. It has a tart beginning, like an…

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Envy Apple

The Envy apple is a striped orange and red apple hailing from New Zealand. Crunchy and crispy, the flesh has watery juice that feels weak. This loose juice has a flavor that I found hard to pin down. The Envy apple was both grape-y, guava-y, and pineapple-y at the same time. I can not really…

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Emergo Apple

The Emergo apple, from new Zealand, is reminiscent of other New Zealand apple varieties such as the Eve. The crunchiness of the flesh is sublime. The taste is subdued, a vague tartness with sweet notes hovering around it that barely register or make that much of a statement. Scattered through the Emergo apple are pockets of Fuji-like…

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Eve Apple

Another apple from New Zealand, the Eve apple is rich red variety. The dark, velvety quality of the skin is appealing. It feels almost devilish. Something a villain would munch on. As for the Eve apple’s munching quality, the flesh is crisp beyond belief. The moment I bit down and an audible crunch rang through…

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Cripps Pink Apple

Cripps Pink apples are also named Pink Lady Apples, depending on the ‘quality’. I am not quite sure on the standards that are used to make this distinction, so I go into the Cripps Pink with an open mind for comparing the two apples. Since the Cripps Pink is essentially the Pink Lady, the two different…

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Kanzi Apple

The Kanzi apple is a New Zealand apple variety. The yellow-red skin is crisp and crunchy. What lies beneath that skin is moist, succulent flesh. Sweet flavored juice seeps from the white flesh. The Kanzi apple’s sweetness is airy and graceful. It slowly ascends into a gentle tartness that completes the flavor profile. The Kanzi apple…

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Ghost Pepper Cheese

Preface: I love spice. I have tried many different spicy peppers, such as the scorpion pepper, the habanero, and the Ghost Pepper that is featured in the titular Ghost Pepper Cheese. So basically, my spice tolerance is very high and I enjoy having my mouth burned out, so this review is very biased in that…

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