Northern Spy Apple

Something about the Northern Spy apple screams ‘Fall:’ the colors are a mix between green and red, and it has that brownness at the top. It looks like a fall fruit. Tastes like one too. It has the flavor profile of cider. Tart, a little acidic, but has some sweetness lurking about. The texture was not crunchy…

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Russet Apple

The skin of the Russet apple is brown and rough, making it visually striking and unlike other apples. It is coarse to the touch and has a slight fuzz over it. The skin is tough and hard to bite into. The flesh is stiff and unwieldy, comparable to that of an unripened pear. As for…

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Ambrosia Apple

The Ambrosia apple is gorgeous. Round, with a vibrant red and yellow hue. It tasted like honey, but I’m not quite sure why. It was like the first note of a scoopful of honey, and then it faded away. As far texture, its flesh was delicate, but it had some crunch. Very juicy, a little on…

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Cameo Apple

The Cameo apple is plump to hold. The size is perfect. Large enough to be substantial but not so much as to be unwieldy. The skin is delicate and easy to break into and the flesh is moist and crispy. Crunchy with every subsequent bite. Just perfect. The Cameo gets even better with its flavor. It is…

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Spitzenburg Apple

Apparently Thomas Jefferson really liked the Spitzenburg apple. He thought it was one of the best apples, and he grew them in his own orchard. But that was then and this is now. Tastes have changed and so has, probably, the Spitzenburg that I ate. In this twenty-first century the skin of the Spitzenburg was easily…

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Pippin Apple

The Pippin apple has a decidedly mediocre flavor; it is tart, but not a unique tart. That was all there was for flavor, really. A simplistic tart. Not a bad tart, just not very complex. The flesh was much the same way, it was on the tougher side of crunchy. I would say the Pippin is…

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Orleans Reinette Apple

The Orleans Reinette has an interesting skin color with the brown top and the green tone. Not only is the skin aesthetically interesting, it has a quirky taste with its lemony flavor. Orange-like. Citrusy. This was a nice surprise as it was the same flavor profile as the flesh. Unlike the skin, the flesh was tart and had…

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Rubinstar Apple

If the Rubinstar is anything, it is crispy. Crackling sounds chorused as I bit into it. This effect does not last long. The deeper I delved into the flesh of the Rubinstar the more pliable it became. The skin was the most crispy of the apple, overall the flesh was soft. Confused was my experience…

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Winesap Apple

There is something with the name Winesap that intrigued me. It seemed unique. I expected some grand taste sensation from it. I didn’t get that, but it was a pretty good. Tart and tangy would be the best way to describe it. The flavor did not last long: it went away quickly. The flesh is hard…

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Ruby Jon Apple

This picture of the Ruby Jon apple does not do its color justice: the Ruby Jon Apple is much darker and velvety in reality. Asides form the color, the first thing I noticed about the Ruby Jon apple was the grainy-ness of the flesh. Then came the apparent dryness of the apple. Although it tasted dry…

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