Sansa Apple

The Sansa apple is squishy to the touch and soft to bite into. Not a mushy soft: delicate soft. This gentler consistency works well with the floral sweetness. I can’t exactly put it into words, but the Sansa apple doesn’t taste like an apple. It tastes like some flowery light piece of something. A sweetness that is borderline candy-like.…

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Honeycrisp Apple

The Honeycrisp apple: The luxury model of the apple world brought to us by the University of Minnesota. Worshipped as ‘the’ apple. It does live up to its name. It is crispy, and honey-like in its sweetness. It is good. A solid raw-eating pick. Yet there is nothing specifically unique asides from the fact that it excels…

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SweeTango Apple

The SweeTango Apple is another apple created by the University of Minnesota. On the first bite I knew I would like the SweeTango Apple. It is crisp and hard to bite into; I made loud crunching noises chewing it. The juice followed from it was succulent and fit perfectly with the established texture. The taste of it was immediately…

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Zestar Apple

The Zestar apple is one of the apples created and cultivated by the University of Minnesota. It felt squishier than other apples, just by touch. Not all apples are of dense consistency, so I was not going to judge it based on just feel. I bit into it, the skin was soft, which was what I felt with…

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Gala Apple

The Gala apple is one of the more popular apples on the market. It is crunchy, juicy, and has a sweet flavor that is not very complex. The Gala apple pairs well with most foods, and is an excellent choice for raw consumption. Sometimes, however, it can be on the mushier side and be a bit bland. I don’t…

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Pink Pearl Apple

The Pink Pearl apple is one of the most unique apples I have come across. It looks different, unusual at first. The top parts of the apple had the brown ring around the stem, and the coloration was light green as seen in the picture. It gets even stranger when you bite into it. The insides…

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Red Delicious Apple

Once upon a time consumers believed that red meant ripe. The Red Delicious apple was bred for that belief and nothing else; their color was specifically bred for. Not flavor. This single-minded approached to breeding is why the Red Delicious variety is, quite frankly, tasteless. Red Delicious are now known for their ‘terribleness.’ The stereotype…

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Ginger Gold Apple

The flesh of the Ginger Gold Apple has a styrofoam-esque consistency. The Ginger Gold Apple was neither crispy nor mushy. It straddled some line. Its flavor qualities was much the same. It has a mellow sweetness that registers as quaint. It is not a spectacular apple. The Ginger Gold Apple is unassuming and unoffensive.…

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