The first true licorice review on Selective Elective is that of RJ’s Original Soft Eating Licorice (no, the Askinosie does not count)! Black licorice is a favorite of my family’s, so we had high expectations going in for this licorice.

At first impression, it does not disappoint. Once the bag is open, you can smell the typical licorice/anise odor wafting out from it. Delicious! The licorice pieces come as these little rods that got a bit stuck together. Easy to pull apart, though. They are each a respectable, uniform size.

True to its descriptor as ‘soft eating’, RJ’s licorice is indeed soft. And slightly chewy! The flavor was lowkey and tasty, with typical black licorice notes. Nothing crazy or super intense, but good.

So RJ’s Original Soft Eating Licorice is a solid licorice variety that I would definitely recommend. It’s not the absolute best black licorice I’ve had, but it’s nice and tasty and I would happily munch on some and buy again!