The SmartSweets Sweet Fish are another vegan gummy fish product. They are branded more for their lack of sugar than anything else. The caloric bang is crazy—100 Calories for the entire bag of fish!

But, regardless of how great the calories are, do we even want to eat them? Hmm… maybe. They grew on me as we ate through the bag.
Texturally, they are firm and chewy, which was pleasing for some of my family members. They were a bit too firm and gummy for me, but I liked it anyway.
The flavor is where I take the most issue with them. They tasted like something I would relate to cough medicine. Too…strong and cloying? But—but! They did start to grow on me after letting them air for awhile. They became less intense and I started going for them and actually enjoying it. I didn’t quite love them but I wanted to eat them anyway.

So…that’s a tentative recommend. Strong caloric value, strong flavor (which may be a problem), and good texture. I am interested in trying the brand’s other candies and seeing how they hold up.