I tried Violife’s Mozzarella Shreds awhile ago and really grew to like them with eggs. So, after seeing it in the store, we picked up Violife Vegan Cheddar shreds—to try another vegan cheese option and to see how it compared with their Mozzarella version.

The calories are the same between the two Violife vegan cheese shred ‘versions’ and the form factor of the shreds is the same. They seem to melt sort of the same, but I feel like there is a slight difference in meltability between them, but I can’t exactly quantify it since I don’t have them side by side. I’ve been using it primarily with eggs. It’s alright with them.

The flavor is…not very cheddar-y. It brings some unctuousness to the table but not a super big hit of salt/cheddar flavor. It’s OK. Nothing superb.
To be clear, I do recommend Violife’s cheddar shreds. I feel like the Mozzarella flavor is better, but that may be from my recollection. I would absolutely go for this again if available/I wanted vegan cheese shreds, but I feel like there’s some room for it to be better.