So, I have a slightly weird history with Vukoo Bars, this gourmet protein bar brand. A pack of Almond Brownie Vukoo bars were given to one of my family members as a gift last year. We froze them as recommended (it was said they tasted better that way). Didn’t really eat them all that much until I got sick and had poor appetite. Those Vukoo bars were some of the only things I wanted to eat during that time. I had another bout of appetite problems just recently and…the bars finally were pretty much exhausted after almost a year of being in the freezer.
As they were a staple for me during times of sickness/poor appetite problems, and I loved them anyway, I knew I needed to get more. I bought more of the Almond Brownies and decided to try their Variety Pack to see how their other flavors are. All of them have core similarities:
- High protein (~19-20g) and fiber and around 300 calories. This is why they made excellent food replacement when I was sick or had appetite problems—they contain so much nutrition and protein.
- They have a chewy sort of mushy texture. Pasty? I like it a lot haha.
- They are really good frozen. They say they can last years frozen, and they taste better frozen than room temp, in my opinion. When frozen, you can kind of suck and chew on them like a popsicle. My reviews will contain frozen/not commentary.
Speaking of my reviews, I’ve put them in order of ascending preference, starting from the one I didn’t even try!
Coconut, Peanut Butter, and Dark Chocolate Almond, Blueberry, and Banana
Peanut Butter Banana
I don’t like peanuts so I didn’t bother having these. My family member who did said it wasn’t that peanut-y or banana-y, but alright.
Coconut Nectar
It was OK flavor-wise, but I was really turned off by the coconut shreds. It was the texture that got to me. I just…didn’t like the chewy bar texture with the shreds inside.
Frozen…not much different, but not as coconut-y.
Banana Nut
Tastes like banana. Shocking. Frozen, it tastes…even more like banana! I mean, it tastes like real banana. Not artificial. Kind of like banana bread? It was nice.
Dark Chocolate, Almond, and Coconut
It was pretty good. Not as good as the Almond Brownie, but close to its flavor and quality. It doesn’t taste as good frozen, though, which is unfortunate and dropped it down on the list. It tasted pretty chocolatey and had some coconut texture/flavor.
Blueberry Dark Chocolate
I’ll be honest, I was skeptical of the blueberry flavor. Blueberry and chocolate together can be weird to me. But…these worked really well. They smell of blueberry and the flavor comes through strong. There’s heavy nostalgia in the flavor for me as they remind me of these big breakfast muffins I used to eat when I was younger.
Frozen…whoa! These are even better. More chocolatey and sweet…delicious! They take my second spot for this reason.
Almond Brownie
These are the ones that made me order more Vukoo bars. I ordered a case specifically of them. I can’t explain why I like these so much. They are just… a nice, not overpowering sort of sweet-savory flavor with this grit to it. It feels like I’m eating something real and unaggressive. That’s probably why it’s palatable when I don’t feel well. But even when I do, these call to me more than any of the others. I much prefer them frozen—feels like a dessert. But room temp is good too.
Vukoo bars are AMAZING for what they are. I highly recommend people to try them out—I’d recommend the variety pack for the sake of…variety and so you can figure out what your favorite flavor is. Almond Brownie will still be my goto, but Blueberry Dark Chocolate might find its way into my freezer from time to time.