Gummy fish are a staple of the candy aisle. These Wholesome Organic DelishFish are a bit of a unique vegan take on the concept.

These DelishFish are soft and delicate gummies. Not chewy as you’d might expect or want. You can bite into them effortlessly and pull away a chunk. The edges will have these sticky fruit threads drifting off from it. It reminds me of old fruit bars that were kind of sticky.

They also remind me of that due to their punch of fruity flavor. Raspberry is what it’s made from, but I don’t get raspberry exactly, more like… that fruit candy version of it. Which is still delicious. These are tasty fishies!

So…wholesome, yes. Organic, it says so. Delish? Yes. Fish? Adorable! The name tells you everything you need to know about this candy. I recommend these gummy fish whole heartedly. I loved having them and will probably want to get them again.