I reviewed YumEarth’s Halloween pops pack around a month ago and tremendously enjoyed them. I couldn’t stay away, so I picked up their normal ‘Favorites’ pack of organic vegan lollipops.

Half of the flavors are the same as the YumEarth Halloween pack, so I won’t re-review those. The new flavors…however…
- Googly Graple – It’s grape. Grape flavor is generally on my bottom of my list when picking candy flavors, and this is no exception. If you like artificial grape, you’ll love this, if not, this probably won’t change your mind.
- Razzmatazz Berry – It’s like…artificial berry? I can’t really explain it and I don’t like it.
- Pomegranate Pucker – Strong flavor at first…and then it dies off. Ok. Not my favorite, but it’s serviceable.
- Perfectly Peach – Peach! It’s definitely peachy. I generally like peach and this was okay, but not super memorable. I’d probably not choose it if I had the option since peach can be overpowering to me. Perfectly Peach is very accurate.
New Flavors Some flavors reviewed in the Halloween pack
So, interestingly, for the most part, I don’t care that much for the new flavors in this pack. Strawberry Smash is still my favorite by a mile of all the suckers. The additional variety is good, though.
Regardless of that, I fully recommend YumEarth’s Favorites pack. It’s a great product with great flavor—whether you’ll like that flavor is a different question, but I still recommend it without hesitation for what it is. I’d probably pick this or a similar product from YumEarth up again in the future.